‘e’ | ||
© Geoffrey Hartwell,
July 2013![]() ![]() |
The title of this occasional essay may seem a little cryptic, but
once it came into my mind, I couldn't shake it off. It occurred to me as I was reading a report
of the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of American Express Co. Et Al. v.
Italian Colors Restaurant Et Al.[1] The primary finding was that “The FAA
[Federal Arbitration Act]does not permit courts to invalidate a contractual
waiver of class arbitration on the ground that the plaintiff’s cost of
individually arbitrating a federal statutory claim exceeds the potential
recovery.”. You will see that it was
a fairly recondite affair, likely to be peculiar to the United States of
America. (Why do they refer to
themselves as “the U.S.”, as if there were no other such groupings
around the world – In Mexico, for example, or Malaysia, or Canada, even
arguably in the British Isles[2]?). Anyway. once I stopped reflecting on the colours of an Italian
Restaurant – the white spaghetti, the taglatelli verde, the red plum tomatoes,
they are the Italian colours; Neapolitan ice cream has all three[3]
– I thought about that Supreme Court decision.
It's about the primacy of the arbitration agreement, of course, but it
serves as a reminder that an arbitral panel (yes, I know that the Scots Arbitration
Act and that of England and Wales call them a tribunal but that's part of the
problem – the man in the street thinks there's something 'official' about a
tribunal) does not have the powers and facilities of the State Courts. And the reason for that is simple: it isn't a Court. There are many differences between the two;
many distinctions. But there is – or may
be - a superficial similarity. And
there's the rub. Comparison is difficult
because it is difficult to compare processes which, however similar they may
seem superficially, are different things, created in a different way, and for a
different purpose. How does one compare
ice cream with polenta, or mashed potato?
Creamy colour, served with a scoop perhaps, each tasty enough in context,
but not the same at all! And there's where 'e' comes to mind. It's the 'e' in 'judgement'. The OED online[4]
says “In
British English the normal spelling in general contexts is judgement. However,
the spelling judgment is conventional in legal contexts, and in North American
English.” Leaving to one side to provocative question of whether or not
“North American English” is or is not an oxymoron, the word 'judgement', in the
English of England itself has one meaning; the word 'judgment' has another and
is a legal term of art. I could play with the words and say that judges write their
judgments with judgement – or that we all hope they do! Arbitrators don't write any judgments but
they do use judgement in writing an award and, we hope, in conducting the arbitration. An Award isn't a judgment.
A judgment is a public document; an Award isn't. A judgment lays down the law; an Award
doesn't. A judgment is effective against
everyone (erga omnes); an Award isn't (inter partes). A judge is a high officer of the State,
exercising the powers of the State; an arbitrator isn't. A judgment is restricted to national
an Award isn't[6]. A judgement may be a precedent for future
decisions; an Award can't. Now, the American Express v Italian Colours case (doesn't
the title sound romantic?) talks about “class arbitration” and we should be
clear about what that is. As I
understand it, it is arbitration effectively on behalf of an entire class. For the avoidance of doubt, that is not
merely consolidated arbitration in which a number of claimants or a number of
respondents agree to conduct their cases as one and the counterparty agrees to
the arrangement. 'String' contracts and
the like also may be the subject of consolidated arbitration but that s not
what I want to discuss here. Class arbitration is arbitration which is precisely analogous
with what is called “class action” in the Courts. Class Action:
A lawsuit that allows a large number of people with a common interest in a
matter to sue or be sued as a group. The class
action suit began in the Equity courts of seventeenth-century England as a bill
of peace. English courts would allow a bill of peace to be heard if the
number of litigants was so large that joining their claims in a lawsuit was not
possible or practical; the members of the group possessed a joint interest in
the question to be adjudicated; and the parties named in the suit could
adequately represent the interests of persons who were absent from the action
but whose rights would be affected by the outcome. If a court allowed a bill of
peace to proceed, the judgment that resulted would bind all members of the
group.[7] Because a judgment (no 'e', remember!) is operative erga omnes,
It is clear why the judgement would bind all members of the group, whether or
not they subscribed to the action or, indeed, whether they were aware of
it. It is a part of the process that
some form of public announcement is made. Class actions are not universally admired. The same article that provided the definition
goes on to say: Class action
lawsuits have become a controversial topic in the 1990s. Once seen as a way of
empowering individuals with small claims to have their day in court, class
actions are viewed by many lawyers, legislators, and government officials as a
vehicle for plaintiffs' lawyers to make millions of dollars on issues of
dubious merit. Other critics charge that class actions have been used by
defendants in mass tort cases, such as asbestos litigation, to frustrate the
large and legitimate claims of individual victims. On the other hand, a little later: Defenders
note that the class action format has most often been used to aggregate small
claims that were not worth litigating separately. A class action is an
effective means for holding defendants accountable for widespread harm that
would otherwise go unchecked. There is public value in allowing this type of
class action to go forward, even if the amount payable to each member of the
class is small. The deterrent effect of a class action can be substantial,
forcing the defendant to change its product or procedures. This little essay isn't about the Law, whatever that may mean to
you[8]. I record those propositions without
comment. My subject here is arbitration,
which, however legitimate it may be (and colleagues who know me will know that
I stand by arbitration's universal legitimacy) cannot substitute for the total
authority of the Sovereign Power of the State within its jurisdiction. A class arbitration would be predicted on the members of the class
all being party to contracts in the same terms.
A feature of the arbitration clause in the American v Italian
case (did I abbreviate that too far? It
sounds like a battle from old Chicago – but there the Italians were
Americans) was a provision that there “shall be no right or authority for any
Claims to be arbitrated on a class action basis.” In the United States, that is known as a
“class action waiver clause”. If an arbitration were to be conducted on a class action basis
that could be argued to mean one of two things.
One is that all those who were active or intending Claimants -or
Respondents – agreed to pool their cases and proceed together. But that is what is meant by
consolidation. Those who do not take
part are not bound by the result (although, if they later initiate or seek to
defend their own arbitration the chances may not be good. One
should remember, however, that one arbitration doesn't bind another. Indeed the second arbitrator may not think
the first decision relevant!) The second meaning is that of the class action in the Court, that
all potential Claimants – or Respondents – have agreed in advance to pool their
interests so that all would be bound, whether participating in the arbitration
or not. Such an arrangement would involve,
for those who do not participate, the surrender of a valuable right. The Supreme Court, in American v Italian,
may have thought that the right to one's own decision to arbitrate or not to
arbitrate should not be surrendered without express words. There has been debate on the Internet about American v
Italian. I discussed it here to illustrate
one of the differences between arbitration and litigation. There are things that arbitration can do, of
which reaching beyond boundaries[9]
and the use of expertise[10]
are perhaps the most obvious. There are things a Court can do that arbitration can't do, like
bind a third party or admit applications ex parte that an arbitration
cannot do without ceasing to be an arbitration which, I remind you, is The
settlement of a dispute or question at issue by one to whom the conflicting
parties agree to refer their claims in order to obtain an equitable decision[11]
– no more and certainly no less. Eur Ing Professor Geoffrey M.
Beresford Hartwell CEng
[1] http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-133_19m1.pdf accessed 21 June 2013. [2] England and Wales now have separate
Assemblies (well, Wales has an Assembly and England doesn't but that's enough
of that!). Scotland has a separate
Parliament and legal system and may soon secede unilaterally but without civil
war; how civilised!. Northern Ireland
has it's own Assembly and is a distinct legal district. The status of the Isle of Man, the Channel
Islands and the Dependencies qualifies for an essay of its own – but you get
the idea. [3] Chocolate as a substitute for strawberry or
pistachio is, I am sure, inauthentic – and less subtly delicious. [4] http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/judgement
accessed 21 June 2013 [5] Strictly,
a judgment is effective where the court has jurisdiction. That may include citizens or persons (natural
or legal) domiciled or commercially active in the State even when they travel
outside. [6] An arbitral award may be enforced by a court
in a State even if it has been 'annulled' in the State where it was made. [7] I am obliged to the authors of the entry at
for this useful extract. [8] You, dear reader, may be in any
jurisdiction. You may be a lawyer for
whom, of course, Law means your national Law.
You may be a lay person for whom the notion of Law is less precise. You may be a lawyer with an international
practice. I don't profess Law; I merely
speculate about it! [9] Through the New York Convention 1958 q.v. - http://www.hartwell.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/nyc_text.htm
accessed 22 June 2013. [10] See http://www.hartwell.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/whoshall.htm
accessed 22 June 2013. ![]() |